Make a Payment Online
Pay by card online or by phone through GovPayNet. The Pay Location Code (PLC) for Mansfield Water Payments is PLC#A001hf.
Water Rates and Due Dates
Water rates are specified in Chapter 38, Article 2 of the Village Ordinances.
The current rate for standard un-metered residential service is as follows (WATER SYSTEM 38-2-7 and ORDINANCE 2020-08):
2020: $24 per month
2021: $24 per month
2022: $26 per month
2023: $28 per month
2024 and later: $30 per month
Monthly user fees are due in advance on the first (1st) day of each month (WATER SYSTEM 38-2-7).
If monthly user fees are not paid by the tenth (10th) day of the following month for which service was provided, a $10 penalty shall be applied and the water service shall be scheduled for termination (WATER SYSTEM 38-2-7).
A Water Rent Payment Coupon Book is distributed to each un-metered water customer annually.
Water payments may be made by check, automatic bank draft, or card.
Check payments may be left in the water payment drop box located at 101 E. State St. or may be mailed to:
Village Clerk
PO Box 10
Mansfield, IL 61854
To set up automatic payments from your checking account please download, fill out, and return the following form (with a voided check attached) to the water payment drop box. The form must be submitted before the 25th of the current month to take effect for the next month.
2023 ACH Authorization Form
Card payments are accepted through GovPayNet. To make a water payment online click here. To make a water payment by phone dial 1-888-604-7888 and give the operator the Pay Location Code PLC#A001hf for Mansfield water payments.
For any water payment questions please contact the Village Clerk.